Monday, July 21, 2014

Chapter 21 Hythrias

It has been a few days since we had opened the portal to the Isle of Fetch and our only problem was a Armada ship that crashed. They had already taken up a part of the place while the other parts had been overrun by Tiger Auxiliary from Rajah which meant our only option was to take any food we found above.

Yesterday was when it got worse. We sent five scouts out to search the island as the regular place we get our food from was all out, we haven't heard from then sense. I had scheduled an emergency meeting with Magor to talk about a small attack during the night on The Armada when the Tiger Auxiliary is asleep to take control of a part of the island.

"No way Hythrias, I am not risking some of my men on this stupid idea of yours. We will need all the men that came over from Albion just to take over that small part and we will only have half, maybe even less, of them surviving." Magor looked furious so I replied trying to calm him down, "That is why I cast a protection spell on them. I have this all planned out."

"Okay then. But you better not mess anything up. Everyone here and on the other island is counting on us to get them food."

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