Sunday, April 6, 2014

Chapter 15 Abby

I was sitting on a window sill looking out onto a small island and the stormy emerald sky around, "So, where are we exactly?" I said finally while Destiny was using a sticky substance to attach paper to certain objects like the telescope which is off limits. "Valencia." she responded, "I don't have the faintest idea what part of Valencia, but Valencia."

"Then why is there a giant thing in the middle of the skyway? I know that there is some battle station of the Armada in Marleybone but are they attacking you guys also?" At that moment multiple ships sent down metal beams to the island and started dragging it, "What was that?" Destiny looked up and out the window, "Umm, I think the Armada is taking us to that giant mechanical fortress." Abby replied.

"Get anything you set down when you came and everything I said not to do anything with. now!" Destiny commanded and I immediately went to work gathering items until I came upon windstones of almost all the colors of the rainbow, "Hold on a second. Destiny, are you a pirate?" Destiny put the things down and started messing with her thumbs, "And if I am a pirate, will you still trust me? I am the only one who can hide you."

"Yes, now go, we are getting closer." I grabbed the windstones and ran for the ship, "Abby, I have to get the paper I told you not to touch, if I lose it then the Spiral is doomed." Destiny ran back inside and grabbed the map pieces and jumped on the ship right as the island was getting torn up by the battle station. "Destiny, why did you bring pineapples?"

"That is all we have to eat. Pineapples." Destiny replied, "Move everything down below, I will be setting sail soon, and yes, the pineapples also." Destiny looked out at the skyway as the other islands got demolished from the battle station while fires and crumbling buildings of the old Valencia fell from the Armada looking for something important, something valuable Destiny had to get her hands on to stop the Armada for good in Valencia.

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