Friday, March 18, 2016

Chapter 26 Cass

"Ryan! Hide behind the columns!" Running around was a mess. More foxes started appearing from hallways on my level and shooting at me. Seemed like a lot more blood would be shed tonight than needed.

Flipping up above 3 in front of me and stabbing another in the gut, I got closer to the sniper by the second. Until I stopped, a shot from the back of me and I fell hard on the ground. "Ryan! Ryan! Rya---


I woke up the next morning with a bandage on the side of me and Ryan's voice along with someone else's from a nearby table. It was dark out. Or was it light out? I didn't know but whichever it was, there was no way a world could be this dark, not even Avalon.

The guy talking with Ryan looked over and saw my eyes open, "Ahh. He is waking up. Welcome to Darkmoor. Cass is it? Your brother has told me a lot about your adventures. I am sure you will find your stay here great until you are fully ready to leave to help the rest of the empire."

"We... we are in Darkmoor?" I got scared. Darkmoor isn't a place I would like to stay and rest, even if we were in a Marleybone controlled village but it was in the right path.

"Cass, look. you have been out for awhile. It has been a full month since the outcome with Floren. I have had to make a few coins to get us on a ship to here in Darkmoor. They wouldn't go any farther as the navy has fully closed off any interaction with the stormgate to Westminster."

A month? They must all think we died by now. Never have I spent a month on one mission of this proportion.

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